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iRobot Movement & Image Analysis

At the synthetic biology and biomimetics lab I worked on a bacteria guided robot project. This project had several different components:

1) The robot movement - iRobot movements were coded in Python. I designed the robot to first go through a maze based on bacteria fluorescence. This action was later changed to the robot docking to its base based on bacteria fluorescence. 

2) Image Analysis - Me and my teammate wrote a  python based program to analyze analyze bacteria fluorescence in each biomimetic chip compartment and decide where enough compartments were emitting fluorescence  to change bacteria movement or not.

3) Biomimetic chips - I made PDMS chips to house E.Coli bacteria with 3 input channels, and several bacteria housing compartments. 

4) Culturing - I cultured an E.Coli bacteria strain with a synthetic network designed to emit fluorescence based on lactose presence. 

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